A Wellbeing Framework To Be A Better Human

Beth E Lee MBA MSc
10 min readJun 4, 2021

This is my bag. After years of working in the corporate world where psychological safety was non-existent, ultimately paying a huge price with my mental health, I wanted to learn everything I could to flourish and thrive in work and life.

I did my Masters dissertation on Positive Psychology Interventions (PPIs) in the Workplace to see if the research really offered substantial results. I’m happy to say it did. It was during the 8 months of intense study on flourishing, thriving, and positive psychology that led me to NOW focus on psychological safety and overall wellbeing in the workplace.

So, for the past 10 years, I’ve been piling up knowledge on psychological constructs, researching different regions of the brain, and learning therapeutic techniques to find “my process” to help others. Becoming a psychological coach helped, but I want to make a difference in organisations.

The Framework That Brought it Together

A new (2020) and very poignant research paper has just organised what has been sitting in my head for years. A framework for psychological wellbeing that includes psychological constructs, research from cognitive and affective neuroscience and application from clinical psychology. Whoop!!!



Beth E Lee MBA MSc

Psych skills and discussions to develop an intentional mind.